Bigger leaner stronger female
Bigger leaner stronger female

bigger leaner stronger female


Matthews spoke to Men's Health about the challenges guys in that age range face, how they can maximize their gains, and how to keep things interesting and motivating when you’ve already had years in the gym.

bigger leaner stronger female bigger leaner stronger female

Next year, he’s debuting a new book, Muscle for Life, focused on building and maintaining muscle and fitness after 40. And while you might not think “realistic” would sell books, thousands have picked up not just Bigger Leaner Stronger, but a sequel, a version written for women, a cookbook, and a book on motivation, The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation. In his books and social media posts, Matthews tries to cut through those false expectations to help people achieve realistic fitness goals-and get there sustainably. “And that can make a lot of people feel like they are just inadequate, like they just don't have the genetics, because they seem to struggle so much for so little.” Sometimes they are going to be guys and gals 40, 50, 60-super jacked, super shredded… They say that they've been training for 20 years and they're still gaining six, eight pounds of muscle per year,” says Michael Matthews, author of Bigger Leaner Stronger and founder of Legion Athletics. “If you just cruise around on Instagram, you're going to see a lot of very impressive physiques. The chiseled, perfectly-lit bodies of social media aren’t just screwing up our views of our own bodies-it’s also messing with our perception of how quickly we can get the body we’ve always wanted.

Bigger leaner stronger female