Decoz numerology compatibility john and mary
Decoz numerology compatibility john and mary

decoz numerology compatibility john and mary

decoz numerology compatibility john and mary

They often want plenty of freedom to express themselves and pursue greater self-awareness. INFPs are caring and attentive.They seek out ways to compromise and accommodate other people, and often have creative solutions to interpersonal problems. Close and harmonious relationships are important to INFPs, although they also require a lot of independent time to think and reflect. They support their partners’ individuality, and encourage them to explore their interests and ideas. INFPs tend to be tolerant and accepting of their mate’s flaws and idiosyncrasies, so long as their core values are not violated. Once they’ve found someone with whom they share sufficient compatibility, they lavish them with love and attention. In relationships, INFPs often keep negative reactions to themselves because they are reluctant to engage in confrontation. Often their deeds and actions serve as an example or inspiration for others who might also harbor such ideals, but lacked the courage to act on them.

decoz numerology compatibility john and mary

This inclination can in turn lead some INFPs to become political or social activists, however whether they are activists or not, INFPs are nevertheless deeply touched by suffering, and many will gladly rush to the aid of the downtrodden, where they attempt to apply their high-minded ideals. INFPs are observant of the world and its people and notice what is unique about others and incorporate what they have observed in relation to their own value system.

#Decoz numerology compatibility john and mary plus

And doing it independently is a big plus too. (Money usually tends to fall near the end of INFP lists.) Whatever an INFP does–whether work or play–it must have personal meaning for them and should bring a little more light to the world. In fact, the top values that INFPs chose were “Home/family,” then “Autonomy,” then “Health,” then “Friendships,” then “Financial security” (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998). INFPs have a strong independent streak and are idealistic and free-spirited individuals who stalwartly follow their own hearts in spite of what “society” expects of them. INFPs are highly creative and often artistic they enjoy finding new outlets for self-expression. They often have a rich inner world of sympathies, feelings, poetic images, and values – perhaps the most evocative inner life of all the types. They are compassionate, and deeply concerned with the personal growth of both themselves and others.They devote substantial time exploring their own ideas and values, and encourage others to do likewise. Individualistic and nonjudgmental, INFPs believe that each person must discover their own path. Their imaginative vision allows them to lead and inspire others with their fervor and tireless idealism. They do not focus on the fleeting moment of the present but instead live in the world of what could be and what may be. INFPs are guided by their own core values and beliefs. As a healer, INFPs look beyond the present reality to the possibilities and potentials before them. By the same token, criticism should be made with tact and consideration. A word or act that another type might brush off can be damaging to a soft-hearted INFP. They are especially sensitive to and fearful of criticism and judgement by others.

decoz numerology compatibility john and mary

INFPs don’t wear their tender hearts on their sleeves, but remain rather guarded allowing only trusted individuals to penetrate their defenses. Since INFPs tend to conceal their feelings, others may not realize it when they’ve offended them. Without warning, an INFP may suddenly sever ties with such a person rather than bother to express their resentment of them. Their gentle nature and distaste for negative emotions mean that they avoid conflict even at their own expense. One type practitioner has suggested that INFPs are the least likely to stand up for themselves unless they see that someone else will be hurt if they do not.

Decoz numerology compatibility john and mary